Daily Study Guide

Day 1 - Hebrews 1

It is a good practice to go look up the biblical references you come across while reading. It will help you understand the historical and literary context of the passage and lead to understanding the main point. There are 32 references in the book of Hebrews to the old testament. Half of the daily readings will be from these sections. If you go to the Resources tab there will be a sheet with all the references and a space you can use to take notes.

Today Read References – 2 Samuel 7:12-17, Psalm 110

Old Testament Reference Sheet

Day 2 - Psalm 1 & 2

What are the characteristics of the blessed one?

What are the wicked like?

What does this tell us about God’s begotten son’s kingdom?

How should you respond to this?

Day 3 - Hebrews 2

We will see “neglecting salvation” as a theme in Hebrews.  Where is this theme represented in this chapter?

What is the message spoken by Jesus we should pay attention to?  Where do you see it in this chapter?

Why is it important that Jesus came in flesh and blood (unlike angels)?

Day 4 - Psalm 8

Video Commentary - Psalm 8

Compare this chapter with Hebrews 2.  

What do they say together about God’s dominion, glory, and position?

Day 5 - Hebrews 3

Bible Project Theme - Listen

What does it mean to listen/hear God’s voice?  

What hardens us against believing/hearing what God says?

Vs. 1-5 say that Moses was “faithful in all God’s house” quoting Numbers 12:6-8.  What does this have to do with listening?

What is the link between verses 1-6 and 7-end indicated by the word “Therefore”

Day 6 - Psalm 95

What does Hebrews 3:11 mean?

This psalm has a strong warning in the second stanza and an exhortation to praise in the first stanza.  What is the logic of this psalm?

How does belief lead to praise?

What do you have to praise God for today?  Praise Him for it!

Day 7 - Hebrews 4

Bible Project Theme - Sabbath

Write out the argument point by point in summary.  What is the main idea?

What does this say is the manner of rest we should yearn for? 

We have seen the theme of hearing and listening to God’s revealed word.  What does this have to do with verses 11-12.  What “word” is the writer of Hebrews talking about?

Day 8 - Exodus 17 & Numbers 14:14-38, Numbers 20:1-13

Bible Project Theme - The Test

How were the people of Israel rebellious or quarrelsome? 

What did their rebellion look like?

How have you rebelled against God?  Confess this and ask for forgiveness today!

Day 9 - Hebrews 5

Bible Project - Royal Priest

Got Questions - What is a high priest?

How is Jesus unique in his role as priest? 

In vs. 11-12 the listeners are accused of being dull (stubborn or maybe lazy) and needing to be taught again the basic principles of the oracles of God.  What are these oracles?

Day 10 - Psalm 110, Numbers 25

Do you see any similarities between Psalm 110, Psalm 2, and Hebrews 1?

What phrases do you see repeated in Psalm 110?  What comparisons are being made?

Numbers 25 comes to it’s climax in vs. 12-13.  How does this relate to Psalm 110?

Day 11 - Hebrews 6

This passage can be very troubling for many.  I encourage you to follow the advice of Hebrews 2:1 and pay close attention.  Some have found it helpful to compare with the parable in Matthew 13:3-23 (mindful of vs. 7)

Hebrews has had constant warnings against turning away from God.  How is this chapter similar/different?

There are many sections that speak of repetition “teach you again, laying again, restore them again, crucifying once again” and maturity.  What are these trying to say?

What have you learned before that you need to relearn?

Day 12 - Matthew 7:15-27, Hosea 10

Where do you see the themes of Hebrews 6 – promises, rejection, fruitlessness, kingship, etc.?

Day 13 - Hebrews 7

Bible Project - Abraham and Melchizedek

Jesus is shown as being greater than Angels, Moses, Aaron/Melchizedek  (the priest), and Abraham.  How is Jesus shown to be greater in this chapter?

What is the logic or flow of this chapter?

How does this chapter compare to Jesus being preeminent as shown in chapter 1?

How do you see the themes of confidence/hope expressed here?

Day 14 - Genesis 12:1-8, Genesis 14:17-24

Who is Abraham’s offspring (vs. 7) that will bless all people on earth (vs. 3)?

This is all of the historical representation of Melchizedek in the bible.  Reread ch. 7 and see how much this says about Jesus!

Day 15 - Hebrews 8

Bible Project - The Priestly King

Verse 5 indicates that the priesthood and tent (tabernacle) are shadows of heavenly things.  What is Jesus’ heavenly kingdom like?

What does this chapter say the new covenant is like?

What is the logic for why the old covenant is obsolete?

How have you help up or not held up your side of this covenant?   What should you do now?

Day 16 - Luke 22:14-23, Jeremiah 31

Bible Project Theme - Covenant

What does this say the new covenant God is making with people through Jesus will be like?

What is God’s relationship with his nation like?

Day 17 - Hebrews 9

What is the importance of the temple / tabernacle?

What is the importance of ritual blood sacrifice?

Where do you see the theme of confidence in hope or a clean conscience?

Day 18 - Exodus 25, Leviticus 16-17

Where do you see foreshadowing of the Gospel in these passages?

Why is blood so important?

Day 19 - Hebrews 10

What is the kind of sacrifice that God desires?

What can give us confidence in approaching God?  How can we practically posture ourselves to approach God?

This chapter recaps many of the previous threads of the book and weaves them together.   What exhortation are the arguments building to?

Day 20 - Psalm 40, Hosea 6:1-6, John 17

What kind of sacrifice does God desire?

How does Jesus intercede for us as a priest?

What do you need Jesus’ intercession for today?

Day 21 - Hebrews 11

What is the logic of the chapter?  What is it’s main point?

What is the relationship between faith and patience/endurance?

What is the relationship between faith and suffering?

Day 22 - Psalm 105, Psalm 81

What are key words you see in each of the psalms?

Who are the people being referenced?  How did they have faith?

Why should one listen to God’s voice?

Pray that God will speak to you and spend time listening quietly.

Day 23 - Hebrews 12

Read the poem – John Newton - Looking on to Jesus

How does this chapter talk about endurance?  Where does endurance come from?

What warnings are given?

Day 24 – Proverbs 3, Exodus 19:9-25, Exodus 20:18-21, Exodus 32

Re-read Hebrews 12:18-end.  What is the image we are meant to understand?

What is the kind of worship we are to offer?

Day 25 - Hebrews 13

Congrats! You have now read (and studied) Hebrews!

Let’s engage through listening to it - streetlights bible playlist